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Adam Aron

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Adam Aron is a climate activist and professor of psychology at the University of California, San Diego. His research and teaching now focus on the social science of collective action on the climate crisis. His climate activism has been through the Green New Deal at UC San Diego where he has volunteered on several campaigns such as fossil fuel divestment and also campus decarbonization via ElectrifyUC, and he has also produced the documentary Coming Clean. Adam recently authored the book: The Climate Crisis. Before switching to the climate crisis, Adam had a successful career in cognitive neuroscience. He earned his PhD from the University of Cambridge, and was a postdoctoral fellow at UCLA.

Nov. 9, 2023

What the Frack: A Case for Leaving Fossils Grounded

S2E3 - What the Frack: A Case for Leaving Fossils Grounded

Listen to the Episode